
【Aliyun drive】【Movie】A Summer's Tale (1996) 1080P Blu-ray Inside

Title: A Summer’s Tale (1996) 1080P Blu-ray Inside Envelope Simplified and Traditional

Summary: Jasper (Melvil Poupaud Melvil Poupaud) came to Britannia for a holiday in a seaside town, where, always alone, he met the waiter Margot (Amanda Poupaud). Langlet (Amanda Langlet), the two fell in love at first sight. Jasper told Margot that he had an appointment here with a girl named Lena (played by Aurelia Nolin), and Margo smiled noncommittally. At a dance, Jasper met Su Lan (Gwenaëlle Simon), a wild beauty, and fell in love with her at first sight. Su Lan also had a good impression of this young man who was good at singing and dancing. Although Ma Ge was not happy in her heart, on the surface she generously blessed this relationship. Jasper invites Su Lan to go to the dream island in his mind, but Lin Na, who arrived late, appears in front of him. The appearance of the lover in his dream made Jasper extremely happy, and soon he forgot the agreement with Su Lan, but Linna’s personality is as changeable as this summer, it is still sunny at this moment, and it is pouring rain the next moment . The distressed Jasper had to confide to Margot, but the loving Margot couldn’t give him more help. In this summer full of passion and adventure, how will the boy hovering between the three girls face his feelings?


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文章名称:《【Aliyun drive】【Movie】A Summer's Tale (1996) 1080P Blu-ray Inside》

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